Gottes Wort

Travel through Germany with us as we four Canadians share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Check out our website Gottes Wort für heute ( It provides Devotions, Bible Studies, short Audio sermons, Q & A, and a variety of help in the German. Can't speak German? Use "Google Translate".

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mark 16:17 is true too!

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;

Yes, that's right - cast out devils.

We've found out that this area is very heavy into the occult, and have witnessed the devastating power that this has on many people. Sickness abounds and the suicide rate is high.

The Lord opened the door to minister to a severly depressed and suicidal young man in an institution; after casting out demons, he was set free! Praise the Lord! Follow up visit included him being filled with the Holy Spirit. Please keep him in prayer that he will not backslide, but rather continue to grow in Christ.

We are totally blessed to be able to be over here and see God moving so mightly. God is so good!


  1. God is good indeed! Its great that you have this blog. i love to hear whats happening over there. Peter and I will continue to pray for you all.


  2. Awesome!!!! I know God is using you all to bring Glory to his name. His power and presence is amazing. I am praying for you and all the individuals you encounter on your journey.
    Praise God!! Amen.

    Love & Blessings Sister Cindy
